Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Family Is My Focus

As I mentioned on my website on the "My Candle Home Business Story" page -- I love my family. They are my focus in life! I love being home with my kids, I have been home now for about 4 years; it has been the best decision we have made for our family. My husband and I both grew up in homes where we had stay at home mothers and we decided we wanted the same for our children. I have fond memories of my mom always being there for me. She was there every morning to see me off to school, at school helping whenever needed and there every afternoon to share the excitement of my day! We have been blessed to be able to do the same for our children. It's been absolutely wonderful!

Having a home business has been great for my family! My children and I are learning life skills and having fun building a family "enterprise" together.
In celebration of families, I wanted to share a really neat free resource I think you will love. It is called the Family Business Tool Kit and it can be downloaded at no charge at this website:

This tool kit is designed to bring family's together around their home-based business. Here is what the Tool Kit includes:

5 Free tele-classes on involving your kids in your home-based business,

5 family-focused articles on growing your business with your kids and balancing family and business,

A Family Business Seek & Find for 2 age groups that your kids will love,

Two Family Business Crossword Puzzle for all ages,

A step by step profile of how to hold a Family Goal Poster Night that brings everyone together to talk about their dreams,

4 Build It Big Excerpts from top leaders on how to engage your kid in the Family Business,

Tips for Kid Proofing Your Office and much more!

I have access to the Tool Kit and love it. So go here now ( and start turning your home-based business into the "family business."


Imagine, Explore, and Live the Possibilities....Beyond The Candle!
