Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm On My Way To Success and Beyond!

My journey to success and beyond with my Gourmet Candle Home Business has been such a fulfilling experience! I'm so excited to be sharing with you some of my awesome success stories I've been having over the last couple months.

Retailing - I've been able to introduce these wonderful products into so many homes in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. All of the customers and contacts I have made absolutely love these candles and bath products! I have a growing list of clients who keep coming back for more! Even some of the "skeptical" contacts are becoming returning customers! Once they experience the quality of the products they fall in love with them and have to have more! Where else can you find a candle that burns so clean and evenly with such a true-to-life fragrance?
Over the holiday season, I have participated in several Open House and Vendor events in the area. The response to these products has just been phenomenal! People are looking for a quality product to bring into their homes.

Fundraising - I love being able to help others with my gourmet candle home business. I was able to help a local school organization hold a very successful fundraiser last month. The group was able to sell 109 candles and make $654 to put towards their class trip. They were so excited by their profits that they've decided to hold another fundraiser in the spring! We are all sure that their next fundraiser will be even bigger. Once the customers enjoy their candles from this event, they will be wanting another!

Team Building/Residual Income - I have introduced my candles to a local spa who absolutely loves the quality and scents of our candles. They are considering becoming a distributor so that they can use and market the products in their establishment!

I have a new team member and have several interested prospects for this business. It is just an awesome opportunity and journey! This is a business you can build the way you want to build it. That's what really attracted me to the opportunity.
As 2007 comes to a close, I am so ready to continue my journey to success and beyond in 2008!
2008 is going to be an awesome journey!

Yvette Mason