Saturday, February 28, 2009

Are You Recession Proof?

With the economy today, everyone's worrying about the recession. Did you know there is one business that is recession proof? Check out this great blog I found:

I'm not worried about the home business is ensuring my families financial security in the future.

Have you been thinking about starting a home business? Come along and explore the possibilities of a home based candle business at

Isn't it time for you to "recession proof" your family's future?


Saturday, February 21, 2009

You, Your Own Business and MLM

I just had to share this awesome video from Doug Firebaugh with you.

It's all about MLM (Multi Level Marketing) and how it can change your life.

You have the power within to make that change....take that chance....and start living the life you've always dreamed of.

Drop everything and watch this will truly be moved!

Isn't it time to take the chance and explore all the possibilities that Mia Bella's Candles is offering to you in starting a home based candle business?

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Let's get together and talk about this fantastic opportunity that is right in front of you.

I'm building a fantastic team of "possibility thinkers" and we are changing our lives!

Visit my personal website at to learn more about me and this fantastic business that I'm building.

If you want to learn more about the products, company, compensation plan and our leadership, visit my company-provided distributor's website at:
I look forward to talking with you soon.

Dare to dream...dare to take a chance.....create the life you want and desire Beyond The Candle!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Choose to Be Successful

Today is the day for you to make some choices. It's time to take action and create the success you're looking for. Become a doer not an imaginer!

Choose to:

  • Be positive, not negative.
  • Be happy, not unhappy.
  • Follow and copy successful people, not the ones who drag you down.
  • Dream big and continue working towards those dreams each day.
  • Learn. Readers are leaders. You must educate yourself everyday.
  • Evaluate your choices and make the best choice for you.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you and lead the way.
  • Make a plan and commit to it. Don't just give up when the going gets tough! Anything worth having is worth working/fighting for!

Are you ready to start exploring home business opportunities? Take a look a my MLM business of choice at and

I am creating a successful work at home lifestyle through retailing, fundraising and team building with this fantastic company and so can you! Open you mind to the possibilities and join me in this terrific ride!