Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kindness Can Make A Difference

Here's a quote I ran across today.

"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate."- Albert Schweitzer

Kindness can make such a difference in this world. I love watching the expressions on people's faces as I practice random acts of kindness! In this crazy world we live in, people just don't expect people to be kind! Isn't that awful??? Do you know how much joy will be brought into your life by performing simple acts of kindness?

Doesn't it brighten your day when someone smiles at you as you walk down the street? How about when someone holds the door for you as you're hurrying into the mall?

I think if we all made a conscious effort to be kinder this world would be such a better place to live.

Go ahead....start practicing random acts of kindess and see how much better the world around you becomes! You might be surprised at the reactions around you!

Yvette Mason

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