Monday, January 26, 2009

Are You Worried About Money?

I'm sure it's common knowledge that tough economic times are here. Worrying about money can certainly strain our relationships and our own well-being. It's hard to focus when all you can think about is where the money will come from for this or that. Here are a couple things to do when you find yourself worried about money.
  1. Have a positive outlook about money. Think about abundance and you will attract money. When your fears focus on a lack of money, you actually push abundance and money away! Begin to focus on the many things you have been blessed with and reflect an outward energy of abundance and that abundance will flow to you. A positive attitude towards anything reaps postive rewards, just as a negative attitude towards anything reaps negative rewards!

  2. Add value. If you feel that money is not flowing towards you. Go that extra mile and take a look at what you are doing to encourage that money flow. Maybe there are some ways you can tweek a project or the way you interact with others that will get that money flowing back toward you. Add value to everything you do and you will begin to reap the rewards.

  3. Change your focus. If you are focusing on the lack of money, chances are that's where your problem lies. Change your focus and start focusing on all that you do have instead of what you don't have. We live in a world of abundance and we must stop focusing on the lack of what we think we need or should have and start focusing on what is right in front of us!

Maybe you are looking for a way to bring in that extra income to supplement your existing situation or even looking to create a new lifestyle. Have you ever thought about starting a home based business? Network marketing is a fantastic way to reach the goals you have for yourself in life. Visit my website at to learn more about the fantastic business opportunity that is right before you!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leadership Lessons...

Walk the Talk publishes a Monday Morning Leadership Lesson. It is always packed full of useful, thought-provoking information.

When you are in the MLM industry, you are constantly challenged to be a leader. You can lead your own success. You can lead the success of your team members. You can lead the success of your company. It's all in what you decide you want out of your home based business. Here is the newsletter I received this week, I wanted to share it with you today. Think about it...are you ready to be a leader in your own success? How about leading others to success?

If you enjoy this newsletter, you can always sign up for the newsletter via the link below.

Here is the lesson......

“When it comes to leading people, there is no problem that is unique to you.”

You could ask anyone with experience, and you would discover they have had to face the same issues, the same frustrations. So don’t feel sorry for yourself. That’s a waste of valuable time. Just make plans to make things better.

“A real leader spends his time fixing the problem instead of finding who to blame.”

What happens when you place blame is that you focus on the past. When you accept responsibility, you focus on this time forward—on the future. Until you accept total responsibility—no matter what—you won’t be able to put plans in place to accomplish your goals.

“Doing the right thing isn’t easy- in fact sometimes it’s real hard – but just remember that doing the right thing is always right.”

Confucius once said, “To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.” But actually living the ‘do right rule’ is tough because it requires discipline, commitment and courage.

“So much of life is about attitude and how we handle what life throws our way. Life is good – even when a situation appears to be the worst.”

Stay positive and help make another’s life better!

Today’s lesson is from Monday Morning Leadership: 8 Mentoring Sessions You Can’t Afford to Miss By David Cottrell

For more information on this resource and other high-impact WALK THE TALK publications, please click here to learn more.

Our mailing address is:

The WALK THE TALK® Company
1100 Parker Square Suite 250Flower Mound, TX 75028
Our telephone: 800-888-2811

Copyright (C) 2009 The WALK THE TALK® Company All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Take Time for Your Dreams

"Setting goals is one of the most powerful ways to crate the life you really want. People with goals succeed because they know where they are going." -- Joan Lunden

Did you know it is important to have dreams and goals? It is! You should always have something to be working towards. Those goals could be something small, like to finish reading a book you've been working on, visiting a friend you've been yearning to see. Your dream could be something bigger like making a career change, starting a home business, or taking a family vacation. It doesn't matter how big or small the goals is....just that you have something to dream about and work towards achieving.

You may not reach all your goals, but the ones you do reach will bring you much satisfaction and the ones you don't reach just give you something to keep reaching for!

We have to remember to take time for our dreams. Taking time for our dreams is taking time for ourselves! Life is all about living the way that makes YOU happiest. Take the time to nurture yourself. Reach for the goals that you have for yourself and make them happen. 2009 offers so much hope and possibilities. Reach for the stars and make it happen.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Live & Play Like a 7 Year Old Little Boy

Wow! We had a busy weekend celebrating our son's birthday. Hunter turned 7 on Saturday. I love just watching him...he is so full of life and energy. I can't imagine how boring life would be without him. Boys are just so different. Our first child is a girl, so every experience with Hunter has been new and sometimes challenging.

Anyways, Hunter decided he wanted to have a sleepover with three of his closest friends to celebrate his big 7th so we agreed. It was a blast. It was a weekend of Hunter + 3 more just like him! The energy in our house was through the roof!

But, in the midst of all the excitement, energy and noise, I was able to observe a few things that makes me want to learn something from these little boys -- I want to learn to play like a 7 year old boy! Here they are:

1) Little boys have no fear. Have you ever noticed if there is something they want to do...they just do it! They step outside of their comfort zone (if they even have one!) and take the plunge.

I want to be able to do that -- just step outside of my routine and try something new. This year, I will be trying several new methods of marketing my network marketing business and learning new things about the MLM industry. I am challenging myself to have no fear this year.

2) Little boys have GREAT imaginations. They can conjure up images in their minds and live out their dreams right there in the family room.

I'm going to work on my dream board. I know where I can go with this home based business and I am going to keep track of my progress as my dreams and goals are met.

3) Little boys believe they can DO ANYTHING or BE ANYTHING! This kind of goes along with the imagination thing, but it's much bigger than just imagining things. Their imaginations actually turn into belief -- they BELIEVE they can do what they want to do or be what they want to be. They don't let others hold them back or discourage them.

I am not going to let others discourage me with my business. I know this is a wonderful opportunity for me and my family to fulfill the goals we have in life. We will continue to work together to grow this awesome candle home based business that we have.

4) Little boys have great perserverance. They try something, it doesn't work out as planned and they simply get back up, brush themselves off, try again or even alter they plans a bit until it works. They just don't give up!

I have tried many ways of working my home business. I plan on continuing down the paths that I've taken and trying new and exciting ways to spread the word about all the opportunities my network marketing business offers others.

5) Little boys have never-ending energy. They are constantly thinking, doing, and being. They know that life is out there just for them and they want it ALL!

Every moment I work on something new with my business gives me a renewed satisfaction and excitement about this MLM opportunity. I am energized by the possibilities.

Would you like to learn more about me, my network marketing business of choice, our products and our company? Visit my website at

Are you ready to start living and playing like a 7 year old little boy? I know I am....come and join me!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Managing Your Time In a Home Based Business

Managing your time in your home based business is so important. Time management can make or break your success. I ran across this article and thought it would be great to share it.

Managing Your Time In a Home Based Business

People decide to start a home based business for a variety of reasons. Some people want to be home when their kids get home from school. Some people are caring for a sick parent and wish to be home. Some people just can not conform to the 8-5 mold.

When you work at home, you are in charge of your time. You will decide how much time is spent talking with customers, how much time is spent marketing your business and how much time is spent doing the laundry.

It is so easy to run out to the grocery store, or do a load of laundry, or finish up those dinner dishes; however none of those activities are contributing to your business.

One of the cutest stories I can share with you is the time I spoke with a woman who just couldn’t find her first customer. She and I had created a list of 50 activities she could do that would help her find that first customer. At the end of the week, she still did not have a customer. She was upset and frustrated. We began to talk about the list of 50 activities. She had not done one of them. What she had done was rearrange her office space twice, buy and put labels on several folders for the paperwork she knew she’d have down the road and read some articles on sales.

When you work at home, there is no one telling you when a project must be completed. There is no one asking you for your completed work. You have to have the desire and the motivation to take the steps needed to create sales for any business you start.

I am strong advocator of goals, both short term and long term. What is it that you want to accomplish today, this week, this month and this year? Put it in writing. If you want to find one new customer this week, that’s a great goal, but how will you find that person? Will you place an ad? Will you write articles? What steps will you take to find that new customer?

I know that sometimes we don’t hit our goals. That’s ok, rewrite them. Allow yourself 30 minutes per day to reread your goals, make a plan to execute those goals and if necessary, rewrite them. Remember there is no boss to tell you how to spend your time, but a goal sheet can help guide you through your days and weeks.

Article by:
Audrey Okaneko has been working at home since 1983. She can be reached at or visited at [1]

Friday, January 9, 2009

Expand Your Mind

As adults, we spend our days problem-solving, troubleshooting and challenging ourselves mentally to complete all the tasks on our agenda for the day. But in all those daily tasks, have we learned anything new or interesting? Have we pushed ourselvesto explore a topic that we previously knew little about?

We become such creatures of habit in our adult lives. Each and every day, we go through the motions of what we did the day before. It can be mind numbing. I am challenging you to wake up your brain, explore something new, take a class at a community college; pick up a book on a subject that you've been wanting to learn more about at your local bookstore; tackle a sudoku puzzle; or learn to play an instrument. These are just some ideas. Find a new passion and go for it! You might surprise yourself.

I plan on expanding my horizons and mind this coming year by developing myself both personally and professionally. Here is one of the books I just ordered from Amazon:

Make 2009 a year to expand your mind and experiences. Life is to short to just go through the motions!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Got Courage?

Are you a person of good character? Do you stay true, noble and honorable to your principles and values? If you answered yes to both of these've got courage!

When you have courage, you search to provide value in all you do and say!
  1. You do what's right. You follow your conscience and refuse to compromise yourself or your principles despite outside pressures and temptations.
  2. You also aren't afraid to take a stand against what's wrong. You don't mind speaking out when you see others doing things that are just not right.
There is no questions about it, both of these actions require strength, guts, and most of all courage. If you are a person who practices these actions, you are truly a courageous person. Today, let us all think bout these simple questions:

Am I courageous?
How courageous am I?
How courageous can I be?

Courage is....
  • Refusing to take part in hurting or disrespecting others.
  • Being honest with yourself and others -- even if others don't agree with you.
  • Following the rules and expecting others to follow the rules also.
  • Searching for better ways to do things...challenge yourself & others.
  • Doing what is right even if there are risks and consequences to be suffered.
  • Following your instincts and not just "following the crowd".
  • Being accountable for your actions both good and bad.

I don't know about you, but I am ready to be courageous in 2009. The world is filled with so much possibility. I don't want to let any opportunity pass me by.

Are you ready to stop "dreaming" about a home based MLM business and start "building" a home based MLM business? If you are, check out my company and MLM business of choice at I hope you will start seeing your future home based business unfold before your eyes!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why should you start a home business?

Did you know that home based business is a $427 billion a year industry? Wow! That's more than the food, consumer goods, and pharmaceutical industries combined. In fact, even in the current economic status, the number of people starting home businesses is growing.

What is fueling this growth in network marketing/mlm home businesses?

1) The start up costs for a mlm home based business are extremely low.
2) The home based business entrepreneur can set his/her own hours for flexibility.
3) The internet provides so many capabilities to building a network marketing business.

Does working from home in your pjs sound like something you'd like to explore? If so, visit my website to find out how I'm building a successful MLM candle business from the comfort of my own home.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Self-Discipline & Time-Management

Ah, self-discipline and time-management are two essential elements needed to make the New Year a success. I love all the books, newsletters and resources on I received this newsletter this morning and wanted to share it with you. Enjoy!

Brian Tracy’s newest book, The Power of Discipline, is a must-read for anyone desiring to be successful in life. Within this book, you’ll find nuggets that will help make your dreams come true. Take the time to make your success a top priority and read today’s excerpt on the importance of time management. Please pass this to friends, family, and coworkers.

Learn more...

The Power of Discipline: 7 Ways It Can Change Your Life By Brian Tracy

The Power of Discipline is about how discipline alone can be the difference between winning and losing; between greatness and mediocrity. Join Brian Tracy, best-selling author and sought-after speaker, as he gives you the tools to help make your dreams come true!

Excerpted from The Power of DisciplineSelf-Discipline & Time-Management

“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” ~Napoleon Hill

There is perhaps no area of your life where self-discipline is more important than in the way you manage your time. Time management is a core discipline that largely determines the quality of your life. Peter Drucker says, “You cannot manage time; you can only manage yourself.” Time management is really life management, personal management, management of yourself, rather than of time or circumstances. Time is perishable; it cannot be saved. Time is irreplaceable; nothing else can replace it. Time is irretrievable; once it is gone or wasted, you can never get it back. Finally, time is indispensable, especially for accomplishment of any kind. All achievement, all results, all success requires time. The fact is that you cannot save time; you can only spend it differently. You can only move your time usage from areas of low value to areas of high value. Herein lies the key to success, and the requirement for self-discipline.

Time management is the ability to choose the sequence of events.

Copyright Simple Truths, LLC, all rights reserved and reprinted with permission.

Eric Harvey is president and founder of, a company that specializes in how-to handbooks, video training programs, inspirational movies and gift books, and more! For over 30 years Walk The Talk has been helping individuals and organizations, worldwide, achieve success through Ethical Leadership and Values-Based Practices. Walk The Talk’s mission is both simple and straightforward: to provide you and your organization with high-impact resources for your personal and professional success.Eric is the author of thirty highly-acclaimed books, including three best sellers: WALK THE TALK ... And Get The Results You Want, Ethics4Everyone, and The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus. All are available at

PS: Please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends, family and co-workers. You have permission to use this content in your newsletter or email system as long as you do not edit the content and you leave the links and this resource box intact.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Life Inventory Time

Okay, the tree is down, the decorations are packed away and the company has all gone home. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and have emerged, relatively unscathed, ready to face a New Year.

Look around you, what do you see people doing? People are setting goals for the new year. They are taking inventory of the past and setting a new path for the future.

We need to do the same!

A personal inventory is an important tool of growth in our walk of life. How can we know where we are headed if we don't know where we have been? What lessons did we learn during the last year? What do we want to keep and what needs to be tossed aside as we face a new year? What changes need to happen and what needs to remain the same? What new choices do we need to make in order to achieve new goals -- the right goals?

It is often so easy to keep on doing "the next thing." We put one foot in front of the other, casually drifting through a life without purpose, only to wake up one day to discover that we have wasted much of that life on the "unimportant." I don't know about you, but I have reached the point in life where I absolutely refuse to live in survival mode. I want my life to count ... to make an impact.

This New Year, 2009, is not just another year; it is another chapter of life, filled with opportunities, challenges and fresh purpose. I choose against my "old nature" that wants to just sit back and rest in the warmth of yesterday's victories or hide in the darkness of yesterday's defeats. I am ready to step outside my comfort zone and make each day in this New Year count!

Are you ready to take action and start your new home based business? Visit my website at to learn about my Network Marketing/MLM company of choice and how you can take that step and start creating your successful home based business, too.

Here's to a successful 2009!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Grab this Network Marketing Book Today!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. This blog is meant to be a place where you can learn and focus on how to become or be a better network marketer and MLMer.

Today I'd like to recommend a terrific book that is specific to Network Marketing. It's called "Beach Money: Creating Your Dream Life through Network Marketing" by Jordan Adler. This book really shows the lifestyle that is possible in this business. Jordan gives you background on the profession and a realistic outlook of what to expect. You can purchase it through Amazon at the link below.

Beach Money is a great book to build your belief in Network Marketing. I'm recommending it to my team as well as anyone contemplating joining a Network Marketing/MLM Company.

So go ahead, grab this book today and start creating your "Beach Money" in 2009!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Set Yourself Up for a Great 2009

Are you ready to set yourself up for a great 2009?

The first place to start is with yourself! Think thoughts of abundance. Determine who you want to be, what you want your legacy to be, and what you want your life to look like.

You can self talk yourself to reach those results!

You need a plan. You wouldn't set out on a family vacation without having a plan. Why would you set out in the new year without a plan?

You need to know where you're going and how you're going to get there. You have to account for happenings along the way.

Do you have a home based business? Are you looking to start a home based business. A home business is the same way, you have to have a plan.

You need to know what to say, have enough sales aids and product and know where to find people to introduce to your products and business.

Business is all about creating momentum. Take massive action in 2009 to keep things rolling. Be committed to your business. You are going to have good days and bad days, but it's all about consistency.

Become a leader in 2009. Set an example and know that YOU are the master of YOURSELF!

If you are looking for a home business, check out my MLM/Network Marketing path at:

Now is a great time to explore and set yourself up for success in 2009!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What are your plans for 2009?

Hmmmm....have you thought about it? What are your plans for 2009? Are you going to just do the same thing you always do or are you going to try something new and exciting?

I'm planning on stepping outside my comfort zone in 2009! I want to reach for goals that I've never reached for, experience moments I've never experienced, and just live each day to its fullest! Life is all about living....aren't you ready to just do it??!!!

I'm so excited about all that my home candle business offers...our company has great things ahead of us for 2009. I'm enjoying the ride. Are you ready to come along?

Visit my website at While your there, you can request a Scent & Info Packet and sign up for my e-series.

Let's make 2009 Scent-Sational....together!