Friday, January 9, 2009

Expand Your Mind

As adults, we spend our days problem-solving, troubleshooting and challenging ourselves mentally to complete all the tasks on our agenda for the day. But in all those daily tasks, have we learned anything new or interesting? Have we pushed ourselvesto explore a topic that we previously knew little about?

We become such creatures of habit in our adult lives. Each and every day, we go through the motions of what we did the day before. It can be mind numbing. I am challenging you to wake up your brain, explore something new, take a class at a community college; pick up a book on a subject that you've been wanting to learn more about at your local bookstore; tackle a sudoku puzzle; or learn to play an instrument. These are just some ideas. Find a new passion and go for it! You might surprise yourself.

I plan on expanding my horizons and mind this coming year by developing myself both personally and professionally. Here is one of the books I just ordered from Amazon:

Make 2009 a year to expand your mind and experiences. Life is to short to just go through the motions!

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