Monday, January 12, 2009

Live & Play Like a 7 Year Old Little Boy

Wow! We had a busy weekend celebrating our son's birthday. Hunter turned 7 on Saturday. I love just watching him...he is so full of life and energy. I can't imagine how boring life would be without him. Boys are just so different. Our first child is a girl, so every experience with Hunter has been new and sometimes challenging.

Anyways, Hunter decided he wanted to have a sleepover with three of his closest friends to celebrate his big 7th so we agreed. It was a blast. It was a weekend of Hunter + 3 more just like him! The energy in our house was through the roof!

But, in the midst of all the excitement, energy and noise, I was able to observe a few things that makes me want to learn something from these little boys -- I want to learn to play like a 7 year old boy! Here they are:

1) Little boys have no fear. Have you ever noticed if there is something they want to do...they just do it! They step outside of their comfort zone (if they even have one!) and take the plunge.

I want to be able to do that -- just step outside of my routine and try something new. This year, I will be trying several new methods of marketing my network marketing business and learning new things about the MLM industry. I am challenging myself to have no fear this year.

2) Little boys have GREAT imaginations. They can conjure up images in their minds and live out their dreams right there in the family room.

I'm going to work on my dream board. I know where I can go with this home based business and I am going to keep track of my progress as my dreams and goals are met.

3) Little boys believe they can DO ANYTHING or BE ANYTHING! This kind of goes along with the imagination thing, but it's much bigger than just imagining things. Their imaginations actually turn into belief -- they BELIEVE they can do what they want to do or be what they want to be. They don't let others hold them back or discourage them.

I am not going to let others discourage me with my business. I know this is a wonderful opportunity for me and my family to fulfill the goals we have in life. We will continue to work together to grow this awesome candle home based business that we have.

4) Little boys have great perserverance. They try something, it doesn't work out as planned and they simply get back up, brush themselves off, try again or even alter they plans a bit until it works. They just don't give up!

I have tried many ways of working my home business. I plan on continuing down the paths that I've taken and trying new and exciting ways to spread the word about all the opportunities my network marketing business offers others.

5) Little boys have never-ending energy. They are constantly thinking, doing, and being. They know that life is out there just for them and they want it ALL!

Every moment I work on something new with my business gives me a renewed satisfaction and excitement about this MLM opportunity. I am energized by the possibilities.

Would you like to learn more about me, my network marketing business of choice, our products and our company? Visit my website at

Are you ready to start living and playing like a 7 year old little boy? I know I am....come and join me!

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