Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Take Time for Your Dreams

"Setting goals is one of the most powerful ways to crate the life you really want. People with goals succeed because they know where they are going." -- Joan Lunden

Did you know it is important to have dreams and goals? It is! You should always have something to be working towards. Those goals could be something small, like to finish reading a book you've been working on, visiting a friend you've been yearning to see. Your dream could be something bigger like making a career change, starting a home business, or taking a family vacation. It doesn't matter how big or small the goals is....just that you have something to dream about and work towards achieving.

You may not reach all your goals, but the ones you do reach will bring you much satisfaction and the ones you don't reach just give you something to keep reaching for!

We have to remember to take time for our dreams. Taking time for our dreams is taking time for ourselves! Life is all about living the way that makes YOU happiest. Take the time to nurture yourself. Reach for the goals that you have for yourself and make them happen. 2009 offers so much hope and possibilities. Reach for the stars and make it happen.

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