Monday, January 5, 2009

Life Inventory Time

Okay, the tree is down, the decorations are packed away and the company has all gone home. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and have emerged, relatively unscathed, ready to face a New Year.

Look around you, what do you see people doing? People are setting goals for the new year. They are taking inventory of the past and setting a new path for the future.

We need to do the same!

A personal inventory is an important tool of growth in our walk of life. How can we know where we are headed if we don't know where we have been? What lessons did we learn during the last year? What do we want to keep and what needs to be tossed aside as we face a new year? What changes need to happen and what needs to remain the same? What new choices do we need to make in order to achieve new goals -- the right goals?

It is often so easy to keep on doing "the next thing." We put one foot in front of the other, casually drifting through a life without purpose, only to wake up one day to discover that we have wasted much of that life on the "unimportant." I don't know about you, but I have reached the point in life where I absolutely refuse to live in survival mode. I want my life to count ... to make an impact.

This New Year, 2009, is not just another year; it is another chapter of life, filled with opportunities, challenges and fresh purpose. I choose against my "old nature" that wants to just sit back and rest in the warmth of yesterday's victories or hide in the darkness of yesterday's defeats. I am ready to step outside my comfort zone and make each day in this New Year count!

Are you ready to take action and start your new home based business? Visit my website at to learn about my Network Marketing/MLM company of choice and how you can take that step and start creating your successful home based business, too.

Here's to a successful 2009!

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