Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leadership Lessons...

Walk the Talk publishes a Monday Morning Leadership Lesson. It is always packed full of useful, thought-provoking information.

When you are in the MLM industry, you are constantly challenged to be a leader. You can lead your own success. You can lead the success of your team members. You can lead the success of your company. It's all in what you decide you want out of your home based business. Here is the newsletter I received this week, I wanted to share it with you today. Think about it...are you ready to be a leader in your own success? How about leading others to success?

If you enjoy this newsletter, you can always sign up for the newsletter via the link below.

Here is the lesson......

“When it comes to leading people, there is no problem that is unique to you.”

You could ask anyone with experience, and you would discover they have had to face the same issues, the same frustrations. So don’t feel sorry for yourself. That’s a waste of valuable time. Just make plans to make things better.

“A real leader spends his time fixing the problem instead of finding who to blame.”

What happens when you place blame is that you focus on the past. When you accept responsibility, you focus on this time forward—on the future. Until you accept total responsibility—no matter what—you won’t be able to put plans in place to accomplish your goals.

“Doing the right thing isn’t easy- in fact sometimes it’s real hard – but just remember that doing the right thing is always right.”

Confucius once said, “To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.” But actually living the ‘do right rule’ is tough because it requires discipline, commitment and courage.

“So much of life is about attitude and how we handle what life throws our way. Life is good – even when a situation appears to be the worst.”

Stay positive and help make another’s life better!

Today’s lesson is from Monday Morning Leadership: 8 Mentoring Sessions You Can’t Afford to Miss By David Cottrell

For more information on this resource and other high-impact WALK THE TALK publications, please click here to learn more.

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