Thursday, February 28, 2008

Through The Eyes of My Kindergartener

As my son came home from school yesterday, excited about an experiment they had done with hard-boiled eggs, pepsi, and a toothbrush (they are studying dental hygiene), I remembered the following excerpt and reflected on how true it is! I think sometimes as adults we forget these simple rules. Wouldn't our world be so much better if we remembered all the rules we learned in Kindergarten????? Just wanted to share this with you today!

All I Really Need To KnowI Learned In Kindergartenby Robert Fulghum- an excerpt from the book, All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten

All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten.

ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten.

Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate-school mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School. These are the things I learned:

Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think someand draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.
Remember the little seed in the styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.
Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and equality and sane living. Take any of those items and extrapolate it into sophisticated adult terms and apply it to your family life or your work or your government or your world and it holds true and clear and firm.

Think what a better world it would be if all - the whole world - had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down withour blankies for a nap. Or if all governments had a basic policy to always put thing back where they found them and to clean up their own mess. And it is still true, no matter how old youare - when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.

© Robert Fulghum, 1990. Found in Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten, Villard Books: New York, 1990, page 6-7.

Yvette Mason

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Detours, Potholes and Dead Ends on the Road of Life

It doesn't seem to matter how sure I am of the direction I'm heading in life and then all of a sudden "BAM" -- I hit another detour, pothole or a dead end on my journey! I used to get upset about these unexpected delays, but I have learned that they are all part of my journey on the road of my life!

Instead of fighting these little problems, I'm learning to embrace them! I know that they are put there to help me develop an area in my life that may be area in my life that needs work! As I'm learning to "go with the flow" and readjust as life has truly become an exceptional life! I am absolutely loving my life and all that it offers every day!

As I travel the road of my life, here are some things I'm learning:

1) I truly believe that I am fulfilling the purpose God has for me here. He knows the way and His way is the best. It probably isn't the fastest or the shortest. But I am learning to learn to follow his way and not mine!

2)Every detour has a purpose! He has a goal for me -- the detours are part of God's plan for me. He knows what's best for me. I should just enjoy the detour, bask in the new scenery and believe that this is the turn I need to take!

3)Every dead end has a purpose! The dead ends I encounter are there because it's to prove that wasn't the right path for me to follow -- even though I thought it was! It puts me back on track.

4)With dead ends come both grumbling & panic. Expect it and resist the urge to either give up or join in. I'm in this for the long haul! I also want to be an encourager to others so I can speak positively into their lives when they want to give up!

So, today I renew my vow to embrace all those obstacles in my life and overcome them! I am going to succeed at this game of life!

Come join me on this road to success! I'm in it to win, how about you?

Yvette Mason

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Creating Choices and Security

So far I've talked about building your gourmet candle home business through retailing and fundraising. Another option is team building for residual income!
There are thousands of people, just like you and me, who want to earn an income from home by helping others create choices and security in their lives. This part of the business has the power to dramatically improve your life.

When you build a business organization by helping others start their own candle business, you can earn residual income based on the retail sales of your entire organization! This plan was designed to benefit both the part-time and full-time distributor.

You will be surprised as to how many people will COME TO YOU and ask to join your business. This happens all the time after someone receives a candle gift, supports a fundraiser, visits my website on the Internet, or sees me having fun at a craft show or expo.

As a team, our main focus is ongoing education and training on our business and the products we offer but more importantly, we offer encouraging, ongoing personal development. How we develop as individuals is the most important ingredient to success!

If it's your choice to build a team, we have the proper training in place to see to it that you have success.

When you're ready, you can get started here:

So, what are you waiting for? Let me help you in your decision making process! This is all about finding out if this is the right fit for you. Here's what you do next:

1) Visit me at and request me to be your friend.

2) Want more information about this fabulous opportunity? Check out my personal website here: While you're at my personal website, sign up for my free E-Series and get information delivered directly to your email inbox!

3) Visit my company-provided distributor's website at: While you're here, browse the site to discover more great things about this fantastic opportunity and company, check out my online store and sign up for our free weekly candle drawing. When you sign up for the Candle of the Month (COTM) program, you actually receive a distributor's website just like this as part of the program!

4) Are you ready to get started with your candle business? Then sign up on line for the Candle of The Month program and become an independent distributor instantly!! Just go here:

Still not sure? That's okay, I know starting your own home based business is a big decision! I was in the same position you are right now! This is all about exploring the possibilities and seeing if this is a right fit for you and your family. That's what I am here help you in this decision making process!

Create Success!

Yvette Mason

Monday, February 25, 2008

Helping Others Through Fundraising

Fundraising is another optional way to earn money with a gourmet candle home business!
You'll experience a rewarding feeling when supporting organizations, groups, and schools of your community in achieving their goals. With your fundraising program, you'll earn a profit while offering a unique product everyone loves, giving value to the community, and prividing solid financial support to the group.

When many look at this business, it's the fundraising that attracts them most.
People are looking for value in fundraisers. There are thousands of organizations in your area looking for ways to earn money every year. Why not help them and earn money at the same time?

The process of setting up a fundraiser is simple. As a distributor, you have the flexibility in designing a fundraiser with the products, pricing, and time frame that will be successful for the group.

We have a complete "How To" fundraiser guide to coach you along the way!

One of our distributors averages one fundraiser every 10 days for the last two years! Imagine having a side business that is practically on auto pilot. All it takes is a little motivation to get out there in the early stages and be consistent in talking to organizations that can make this kind of business happen!

So, what are you waiting for? Let me help you in your decision making process! This is all about finding out if this is the right fit for you. Here's what you do next:

1) Visit me at and request me to be your friend.

2) Want more information about this fabulous opportunity? Check out my personal website here: While you're at my personal website, sign up for my free E-Series and get information delivered directly to your email inbox!

3) Visit my company-provided distributor's website at:

While you're here, browse the site to discover more great things about this fantastic opportunity and company, check out my online store and sign up for our free weekly candle drawing. When you sign up for the Candle of the Month (COTM) program, you actually receive a distributor's website just like this as part of the program!

4) Are you ready to get started with your candle business? Then sign up on line for the Candle of The Month program and become an independent distributor instantly!! Just go here:

Still not sure? That's okay, I know starting your own home based business is a big decision! I was in the same position you are right now! This is all about exploring the possibilities and seeing if this is a right fit for you and your family. That's what I am here help you in this decision making process!

Tomorrow I'll talk about building a team with our awesome gourmet candle home business opportunity.

Create Success!

Yvette Mason

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Making Money by Retailing Gourmet Candles

There's not a faster way to create an income in this business than by retailing the products. Almost everyone you know has scented candles in their home or office!

Because a distributor can literally double his or her money on each sale, the impact on many people's lives has been dramatic!

By simply sharing these incredible candles with people, you can put money in your pocket daily.

There are many ways to retail our candles: home parties, office parties, open houses, information seminars, direct face to face selling, booths, shows, expos, gift baskets, corporate gifts, spas, gift shops, and more.

You are only limited by your imagination. Our award winning team will share some ideas you might not have even considered!

These candles are made out of natural wax so they burn clean without all that black stuff on the jar, your walls, or your carpets!

And they are so simple to sell! Just take the lid off, let people smell and they go crazy! It's as simple as SMELL AND SELL! Practically everyone loves candles. The first thing people notice about these candles is how real the fragrances are. It's amazing! If you can say "Do you love candles?", you will be successful in this business!

So, what are you waiting for? Let me help you in your decision making process! This is all about finding out if this is the right fit for you. Here's what you do next:

1) Visit me at and request me to be your friend.

2) Want more information about this fabulous opportunity? Check out my personal website here: While you're at my personal website, sign up for my free E-Series and get information delivered directly to your email inbox!

3) Visit my company-provided distributor's website at: While you're here, browse the site to discover more great things about this fantastic opportunity and company, check out my online store and sign up for our free weekly candle drawing. When you sign up for the Candle of the Month (COTM) program, you actually receive a distributor's website just like this as part of the program!

4) Are you ready to get started with your candle business? Then sign up on line for the Candle of The Month program and become an independent distributor instantly!! Just go here:

Still not sure? That's okay, I know starting your own home based business is a big decision! I was in the same position you are right now! This is all about exploring the possibilities and seeing if this is a right fit for you and your family. That's what I am here help you in this decision making process!

Tomorrow I'll talk about fundraising with our awesome candles.

Create Success!

Yvette Mason

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Candle Lover's Dream Business

Have you been looking for a home based business that you wouldn't have to invest alot of money in to get started?

Do you love candles? Why not start a Gourmet Candle Home Business????
Imagine a business that allows you to put cash in your pocket from the first day and coaches you in 3 lucrative ways to earn money...

That's right! Our gourmet candle home based business offers a unique program that allows you to capture an income three unique ways. You can build your business through Retail Sales, Fundraising, and Residual Income/Team Building!

You choose the way you want to build your candle business. Everyone on our team works their business in their OWN way - and that is why we are so successful! We love what we do and we love teaching others how to create a business that they can truly love and enjoy!

Check out my website for more information on this exciting home based business opportunity!

Yvette Mason (personal website) (distributor's website)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Writing Thank You Notes

I always want the people in my life to know how much I appreciate them! I have tried to make it a practice to write friends, family, and business associates notes of gratitude to let them know how much I appreciate them and their thoughtfulness. I am also trying to instill this habit into my children. After they have received a gift or had a friend do something kind for them, we sit down and write a note! You just don't realize how much people appreciate you recognizing their thoughtfulness!

Do you know the correct way to write a thank you note? With the right preparation and approach, writing and sending a thank you card can be done quickly and easily! And most importantly, the gesture is sure to be greatly appreciated by the recipient!

Here are some tips when you are writing a thank you note:

1) Make sure you address the recipient. When you open your note with the recipient's name, you show that you are sincere and speaking directly to them.

2) Make sure your note is handwritten - not typed. This shows that you've personally taken time out of your day to sit down and acknowledge them.

3) Simply say "thank you". Mention your thank you first. By thanking them upfront, you convey your genuine appreciation and avoid distracting from your message.

4) Address the appropriateness of the gift. It makes the recipient feel so good to know that their gift will be used. If you didn't particularly like the gift, stress a positive or interesting feature of the gift! You don't want to hurt their feelings.

5) Share a brief personal line. Let them know what you or your family are up to. You don't have to make it long.

6) Restate your thank you. Use this part of the note to just briefly bring you back to the purpose of your note.

7) Close and sign. Choose your wording for the closing based on your relationship with the recipient.

8) Address envelope, stamp & mail. Write and mail your note soon after you receive the gift or the thoughtful act. You will feel so good for taking the time to deliver a proper thank you, and the giver will appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending a thank you!

Yvette Mason

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Poor Barney! I'm Going To Light A Candle!

I just got back from taking our Beagle, Barney, to the vet. Over the weekend we noticed he smelled soooooooooooo bad! We thought he had just enjoyed rolling in something -- Beagles do that all the time....yuck!

Our family has had fun over the last week "renaming" Barney. He's been Funky, Funkenstein, Funky CoMedena (sp?), Sir Funk-Alot, etc., etc. I think he was starting to have a complex!
Well, after a week of a stinky dog, we decided it was time to take him to the doctors. The took one whiff and decided he had yeast in his ears! Double YUCK! The vet fixed him up with an ointment we have to put in his ears for the next 7 days. Let's home that does the trick....

All right, I'm going to burn one of my yummy smelling candles so we can mask the smelly Beagle!

Hope you have a scent-a-licious day!

Yvette Mason

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Keeping Commitments & Promises

I don't know about you, but I always try to keep my commitments and promises! I have always been a dependable, reliable and trustworthy type of person. I tend to be the person that people come to when they want help or need something done because they know I will follow through! I have to admit that sometimes I get so frustrated and begin to feel taken for granted.....but then I remember how I am and who I am! I want people to depend and trust me!

I am trying so hard to instill these same values into my children. In today's society, it is so important to have something solid to put your faith into! I really think that having these type of traits makes your children more secure in this crazy world! I make sure that my children, my husband, my family and my friends know that I am here for them. I have already seen these characteristics taking shape in my children. Their friends know that they are there for them. They are the ones their friends come to for encouragement, comfort, and strength!

Did you know that successful leaders place a premium on keeping their commitments and promises? I hope I am leading the way for my children and my team to become successful leaders in life! I want them to do what they say their going to do! I want them to count on the fact that other people can count on them! I don't make excuses for myself and I don't want my children or my team members to either. I know that each time an excuse is uttered, it chips away the trust and confidence that others have in me.

So just think about it, you have to earn the right to expect others to keep their word by keeping yours! This is something that I am practicing every day!

Here's to making those commitments and following through!

Yvette Mason

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Do You Love Candles?

Are you looking for a home business you can build your way? If this sounds like you, I would love to share my home business with you!
I absolutely love what I do and would love to share more about this exciting opportunity with you!
Our company's management team is now offering a DAILY BUSINESS BUILDER CONFERENCE CALL!
Every day they will be on the lines for only 10-15 you can join in for a quick overview of our company and this awesome business opportunity.

All you have to do is call this number 712-338-8100 and enter this PASSCODE; 222143
These calls are every day at 12 noon EST

Just take a couple minutes and check it out then let me know what you think!

Have an awesome day!

Yvette Mason

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yeah for the Underdog!

I'm sure you've all heard that Uno the Beagle won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club! My family was so excited to hear that the underdog won!

I guess our family is a little partial because we have a Beagle named Barney. He is part of our family in every way. Of course, the first two years were very rough....just like with a newborn and a toddler....we went through our phases. They ranged from house-training to chewing to digging! I think he's finally broke of all the above and life's gotten a little easier with our loveable Beagle! We wouldn't trade him for the world!

We got Barney when my son was 4. We thought he needed a pal. They are the best of friends. It's so cute how they chum around together. Of course, our son went to school this year and that broke Barney's heart. He mopes around the house like a lost puppy dog until Hunter gets home at the end of the day. They have so much fun together running around the yard, wrestling and playing their game -- they call it "Go Time"!

I would recommend a Beagle to anyone thinking about getting a dog for their family. Barney has been the perfect fit for ours!

I think we can all relate to the excitement of the underdog winning! You don't always have to be the most educated, from the best background, or from some designer mold to be successful and win in life. Sometimes it just takes some determination and alot of hard work. Success doesn't always come easy, but it can be achieved!

Cheers to the Underdog!

Yvette Mason

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine's Day is Only Two Days Away!

Valentine's Day is only two days away! Have you gotten the special someone in your life a present yet? It doesn't have to be elaborate! Here are some suggestions:

1) Make a card. Put your feelings down on paper. Write them a note to let them know what they mean to you. Sometimes the best gifts are gifts from the heart!

2) Make them dinner. Especially if you are NEVER the meal preparer! What a treat it would be to come home from a hard day at work to discover the chore of preparing the evening meal was already done for you!

3) Hire someone to clean the house for your special someone!

4) Flowers and candy are always nice. But how about giving them something that will last longer -- a candle!
Check out these awesome candles on my website: or

Is there someone in your life who is difficult to love? I encourage you to be their "secret valentine" this year. Send them a beautiful card. Leave a small box of candy on their doorstep. Place a single rose under their windshield wiper. Tie a balloon to their car door handle, their office desk, their get the idea. To each gift, attach a piece of paper or a card with a little note to let them know they are loved! Ready? Get started.

Go ahead, step outside your comfort zone this year and make a difference in someone's life by letting them know how special they are!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yvette Mason

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Keeping The Hope!

Last night I went to a benefit for a little girl who has an unusual type of brain cancer. She has suffered so much over the last couple years. The outpouring in the community has been such a blessing for this family. As I sat there at the dinner benefit, I thought about how truly blessed I am to have such healthy children. I think we sometimes take for granted how fortunate we are. I just ask for everyone to keep this little girl and her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.

If you'd like to see more about this strong little girl, visit her website:

Also, just remember to cherish every moment you have with your family and your children. These are times you can never get back once they are gone. I definitely don't want to have any regrets!

Yvette Mason

Friday, February 8, 2008

A Hamster for My Son's Birthday!

Okay, I know I've totally lost it son decided he wanted a hamster for his 6th birthday. My husband said it was only fair since our daughter had gotten a Guinea Pig when she was 5!
So, we go to the pet store and he picks out the hamster he wants. I think I can convince myself that it's NOT a mouse/rat because it doesn't have a tail! That's how I got past the Guinea Pig thing...I convinced myself that it looked like a rabbit!! I really have a fear of mice/rats!!!
Well, we've had the hamster -- his name is Theodore -- for about a month now. He's actually starting to grow on me! He's very entertaining! We laugh at all his antics! He climbs the cage, stuffs his little cheeks with food, and just makes us laugh! So....I guess he's staying. Hey, I even take him out of his cage and hold him!

Yvette Mason

What a Blessing!

Each and every day I wake up with a sense of pride that I'm going to be helping someone else make their life a little better. I want to make a difference in someone's life. I want to let them know that they are doing a great job! I think that's one of the reasons I love what I do so much. I am here for my team and I let them come to me with their questions and I am able to help to point them to in the right direction!

My home business has been such a blessing to me. I have met some incredible people along the way. I am looking forward to helping many others build their businesses the way they want to.

Check out my website for more information on my incredible home business:

Yvette Mason

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Helping Others Each Day

Each and every day I wake up with a sense of pride that I'm going to be helping someone else make their life a little better. I want to make a difference in someone's life. I want to let them know that they are doing a great job! I think that's one of the reasons I love what I do so much. I am here for my team and I let them come to me with their questions and I am able to help to point them to in the right direction!

My home business has been such a blessing to me. I have met some incredible people along the way. I am looking forward to helping many others build their businesses the way they want to.

Check out my website for more information on my incredible home business:

Yvette Mason

Monday, February 4, 2008

Networking on Ryze and MySpace

Wow! I've gotten so much good advice on growing my business. One of my main objectives for 2008 was to begin networking online more to create relationships with other business owners and possibility thinkers.

This past week, I got serious about the whole networking thing and finally set up an account with Ryze. What a terrific groups of professionals! I've made lots of new contacts and friends. It's so nice to have a place to go for advice about your business. If you are a member of Ryze, please sign my guest book and let's start networking!

I also jumped into creating a profile on MySpace. I can be found at Stop by and visit me. That's why I'm there to meet new people, make new friends, and network.

I look forward to talking with you!

Yvette Mason