Thursday, February 21, 2008

Poor Barney! I'm Going To Light A Candle!

I just got back from taking our Beagle, Barney, to the vet. Over the weekend we noticed he smelled soooooooooooo bad! We thought he had just enjoyed rolling in something -- Beagles do that all the time....yuck!

Our family has had fun over the last week "renaming" Barney. He's been Funky, Funkenstein, Funky CoMedena (sp?), Sir Funk-Alot, etc., etc. I think he was starting to have a complex!
Well, after a week of a stinky dog, we decided it was time to take him to the doctors. The took one whiff and decided he had yeast in his ears! Double YUCK! The vet fixed him up with an ointment we have to put in his ears for the next 7 days. Let's home that does the trick....

All right, I'm going to burn one of my yummy smelling candles so we can mask the smelly Beagle!

Hope you have a scent-a-licious day!

Yvette Mason

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