Friday, February 8, 2008

A Hamster for My Son's Birthday!

Okay, I know I've totally lost it son decided he wanted a hamster for his 6th birthday. My husband said it was only fair since our daughter had gotten a Guinea Pig when she was 5!
So, we go to the pet store and he picks out the hamster he wants. I think I can convince myself that it's NOT a mouse/rat because it doesn't have a tail! That's how I got past the Guinea Pig thing...I convinced myself that it looked like a rabbit!! I really have a fear of mice/rats!!!
Well, we've had the hamster -- his name is Theodore -- for about a month now. He's actually starting to grow on me! He's very entertaining! We laugh at all his antics! He climbs the cage, stuffs his little cheeks with food, and just makes us laugh! So....I guess he's staying. Hey, I even take him out of his cage and hold him!

Yvette Mason

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