Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yeah for the Underdog!

I'm sure you've all heard that Uno the Beagle won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club! My family was so excited to hear that the underdog won!

I guess our family is a little partial because we have a Beagle named Barney. He is part of our family in every way. Of course, the first two years were very rough....just like with a newborn and a toddler....we went through our phases. They ranged from house-training to chewing to digging! I think he's finally broke of all the above and life's gotten a little easier with our loveable Beagle! We wouldn't trade him for the world!

We got Barney when my son was 4. We thought he needed a pal. They are the best of friends. It's so cute how they chum around together. Of course, our son went to school this year and that broke Barney's heart. He mopes around the house like a lost puppy dog until Hunter gets home at the end of the day. They have so much fun together running around the yard, wrestling and playing their game -- they call it "Go Time"!

I would recommend a Beagle to anyone thinking about getting a dog for their family. Barney has been the perfect fit for ours!

I think we can all relate to the excitement of the underdog winning! You don't always have to be the most educated, from the best background, or from some designer mold to be successful and win in life. Sometimes it just takes some determination and alot of hard work. Success doesn't always come easy, but it can be achieved!

Cheers to the Underdog!

Yvette Mason

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