Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Detours, Potholes and Dead Ends on the Road of Life

It doesn't seem to matter how sure I am of the direction I'm heading in life and then all of a sudden "BAM" -- I hit another detour, pothole or a dead end on my journey! I used to get upset about these unexpected delays, but I have learned that they are all part of my journey on the road of my life!

Instead of fighting these little problems, I'm learning to embrace them! I know that they are put there to help me develop an area in my life that may be area in my life that needs work! As I'm learning to "go with the flow" and readjust as life has truly become an exceptional life! I am absolutely loving my life and all that it offers every day!

As I travel the road of my life, here are some things I'm learning:

1) I truly believe that I am fulfilling the purpose God has for me here. He knows the way and His way is the best. It probably isn't the fastest or the shortest. But I am learning to learn to follow his way and not mine!

2)Every detour has a purpose! He has a goal for me -- the detours are part of God's plan for me. He knows what's best for me. I should just enjoy the detour, bask in the new scenery and believe that this is the turn I need to take!

3)Every dead end has a purpose! The dead ends I encounter are there because it's to prove that wasn't the right path for me to follow -- even though I thought it was! It puts me back on track.

4)With dead ends come both grumbling & panic. Expect it and resist the urge to either give up or join in. I'm in this for the long haul! I also want to be an encourager to others so I can speak positively into their lives when they want to give up!

So, today I renew my vow to embrace all those obstacles in my life and overcome them! I am going to succeed at this game of life!

Come join me on this road to success! I'm in it to win, how about you?

Yvette Mason

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