Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Keeping Commitments & Promises

I don't know about you, but I always try to keep my commitments and promises! I have always been a dependable, reliable and trustworthy type of person. I tend to be the person that people come to when they want help or need something done because they know I will follow through! I have to admit that sometimes I get so frustrated and begin to feel taken for granted.....but then I remember how I am and who I am! I want people to depend and trust me!

I am trying so hard to instill these same values into my children. In today's society, it is so important to have something solid to put your faith into! I really think that having these type of traits makes your children more secure in this crazy world! I make sure that my children, my husband, my family and my friends know that I am here for them. I have already seen these characteristics taking shape in my children. Their friends know that they are there for them. They are the ones their friends come to for encouragement, comfort, and strength!

Did you know that successful leaders place a premium on keeping their commitments and promises? I hope I am leading the way for my children and my team to become successful leaders in life! I want them to do what they say their going to do! I want them to count on the fact that other people can count on them! I don't make excuses for myself and I don't want my children or my team members to either. I know that each time an excuse is uttered, it chips away the trust and confidence that others have in me.

So just think about it, you have to earn the right to expect others to keep their word by keeping yours! This is something that I am practicing every day!

Here's to making those commitments and following through!

Yvette Mason

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