Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine's Day is Only Two Days Away!

Valentine's Day is only two days away! Have you gotten the special someone in your life a present yet? It doesn't have to be elaborate! Here are some suggestions:

1) Make a card. Put your feelings down on paper. Write them a note to let them know what they mean to you. Sometimes the best gifts are gifts from the heart!

2) Make them dinner. Especially if you are NEVER the meal preparer! What a treat it would be to come home from a hard day at work to discover the chore of preparing the evening meal was already done for you!

3) Hire someone to clean the house for your special someone!

4) Flowers and candy are always nice. But how about giving them something that will last longer -- a candle!
Check out these awesome candles on my website: http://www.BeyondTheCandle.com or http://www.BeyondTheCandleOnline.com.

Is there someone in your life who is difficult to love? I encourage you to be their "secret valentine" this year. Send them a beautiful card. Leave a small box of candy on their doorstep. Place a single rose under their windshield wiper. Tie a balloon to their car door handle, their office desk, their mailbox...you get the idea. To each gift, attach a piece of paper or a card with a little note to let them know they are loved! Ready? Get started.

Go ahead, step outside your comfort zone this year and make a difference in someone's life by letting them know how special they are!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yvette Mason

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